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Mindful Adventure Stories
Self-acceptance is the key to acting authentically versus defensively. For me, this is especially apparent when I write. Writing is the...
trust + ethics
Chris said it would be horrible, and also that we would learn a lot. Then he asked for volunteers. My hand immediately shot into the air....
Would you laugh at a child up on stage performing her heart out, even if her voice was off key? Or, would you offer her love, support and...
Favorite Things Few things will put you back in the present moment like a taste of your favorite thing. For me, it is yummy avocado. But...
Necessities of Life How well do you know yourself and what you need? Not all of us are blessed with the ability to drop out of life for a...
Technical Difficulties Something happens, and it doesn’t feel good. A laptop crashes, an opportunity does not work out, someone dear...
triggers + forgiveness
Screaming Down the Mountain Have you ever felt yourself caught up in a negative thought pattern? Your heart is racing, your blood is...
self-mastery = flow
The Avocado Syndrome For the last few months, I have been observing a new pattern unfolding. It has to do with an almost magical...
Your body is a walking repository of every experience you have ever had in life. Many experiences occur so rapidly or under conditions of...
Our feminine consciousness exerts its power through attraction rather than activity, like a magnet will attract the iron shavings. ~...
Sometimes I feel the fear of uncertainty stinging clear and I can’t help but ask myself how much I let the fear take the wheel and steer....
Walk on, and leave it behind. ~ U2 Wisdom represents our ability to see life for the lessons it provides us, rather than seeing...
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