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Mindful Adventure Stories


Playing With Beginner’s Mind

Did it seem like there was a lot of life lived in 2024 – pleasant, unpleasant and neutral?

It felt that way to me. And what I am left with is a shining gratitude for the growth and the love experienced in the past year.

As I have reflected on this transition, I’m getting clear on my intentions for the coming year.

✨ How will I be my highest self?

✨ How will I embody my practice, in large ways and small.

✨ How will I choose kindness over anything less?

This new year gives us the opportunity to create something new. What better time to adopt the practice of Beginner’s Mind?

To meet each experience as if for the first time, with a curiosity in the moment and a fresh clear perspective.

Choosing to let go of the buzzing thoughts that evaluate and judge, and allowing stillness to settle like the ripples in a pond or a blanket of peace.

Wishing you a new year of your own conscious creation.

Let your wisdom lead,


PS. The time is now to plan for a Mindful Adventure!


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